How To Speed Up a Mobility Scooter: 3 Easiest Tips

A common problem for those of us with limited mobility is the speed of our mobility scooters. It’s frustrating when your mobility scooter is too slow to keep up with others or to make it to where you're going in time. You may think that you are stuck with the speed of your mobility scooter. You might think that the speed of your mobility scooters for sale is set in stone, determined at the factory. This may have been true years ago, but today there are a lot of options for increasing the speed of your scooter.

Upgrade the battery if your mobility scooter is too slow
If your mobility scooter runs too slowly, the simplest way to remedy the problem is to upgrade the battery. In most cases, this is the cheapest and easiest way to get your scooter moving at a reasonable pace. However, upgrading the battery should be your first step before you start looking at other parts of the scooter. Your goal is to make your scooter as fast as it was when it was new. Even if you only have a few short distances to travel, you want it to be as fast as possible for your safety and convenience.
Reversing / Rewinding the Motor
Most of the motors are manufactured using high grade material, which makes them suitable for long term performance. It built with a controlling system, which can easily control the speed, acceleration, and other features of the mobility scooter. If you have limited mobility and in order to fulfill your joy of cruising, you can increase the speed of the mobility scooter.
A mobility scooter for sale has a motor that can help you move from one place to another. This is what makes it different from an electric wheelchair. The speed of the motor can be adjusted. More power is required to move faster. When you want a more powerful motor, then you simply turn the control dial. This action will increase the speed of the motor. However, you need to reverse the winding of the coil to increase the speed of the motor. You can find a lot of information about this process on the Internet. It's a simple procedure, but it can be hard for many to do it by themselves. This is why you should have a technician or someone who knows about this issue to do it for you.
Find the speed limiter and turn it off
Mobility Scooters are fun to ride and a great way to travel short distances. If you intend to increase your speed, you can take off the scooter limiter. Before you do this, you should know that it's hard to reach high speeds with a limiter on. You will be able to reach faster speeds when the limiter is off, but you will use more gas and the scooter becomes more dangerous. It's a good idea to practice riding the scooter for a few months at slower speeds before removing the limiter. Once you're used to the speed and comfortable with the handling, you can remove it and go as fast as you want!
We hope you enjoyed our post on how to speed up a mobility scooter! Scooters are a fun way to get around, and they’re a great way to maintain your independence. With that said, it can be annoying and even dangerous if your scooter is too slow. We hope you found these tips useful and that you’ll be able to make your scooter faster once you’re done reading.


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